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1 composed of made up of sth . VERBS be . ADV. entirely, exclusively, solely, wholly The committee was composed entirely of specialists.| chiefly is considered one of the best dictionaries supporting English language learners. With its simple interface, this online application is a really effective solution in case you want to find out the collocations with the best accuracy. brings you a completely new type of dictionary that will help English lerners write and speak natural-sounding English. Collocations - common word combinations such as 'bright idea' or 'talk freely' - are the essential building blocks of natural-sounding English.
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1 desire to learn/hear more about sb/sth . ADJ. avid, burning, close, considerable, consuming, deep, great, intense, keen, lively, passionate, strong The police were starting to take a close interest in the company's activities.She always had a great interest in the supernatural. COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the gradual change and development of an idea, situation, or object adjectives gradual/continuous evolution The social system is undergoing continuous evolution to adapt to these rapid changes. cultural/social evolution Neither cultural or social evolution is any guarantee that we are moving towards a better world crave meaning, definition, what is crave: to have an extremely strong desire for s: Learn more.
Samlokalisering - Collocation -
With its simple interface, this online application is a really effective solution in case you want to find out the collocations with the best accuracy. Collocation is the way in which words are combined in one language to create natural speech and sentences. The clear page layout groups collocations according to part of speech and meaning, and helps users pinpoint speedily the headword, sense and collocation they need. Free Download -- OXFORD Collocations Dictionary Words often used with perspective in an English sentence: aerial perspective, alternative perspective, analytical perspective, anthropological… obraz.
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ADJ. avid, burning, close, considerable, consuming, deep, great, intense, keen, lively, passionate, strong The police were starting to take a close interest in the company's activities.
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When replacing a verb where the meaning is clear : It's easy and a great way to learn new collocations thanks to - the English Collocations Dictionary online. Technology for language learning | it's NOT about what the teacher does… Crossword Puzzle Maker When well-meaning Jason discovers a disembodied finger that appears to be alive, it quickly becomes the sole Writer: Garth Matthams Artist: Armin Ozdic. (e.g. spoken and written), meaning (e.g. concept, referents and associations) and use ( 1 has the same results (retrieved on Oct 31, 2016) For activities focused on the highly specific meanings of different collocations, Skell is preferable to Ozdic as it has clickable concordances for students to The collocation dictionary at not only teaches you the definition of a word, but also how to use it.