The Case of Hirsi Jamaa Et Al. V. Italy: Amicolo Romina:


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Lyrikgatan 11B 70372 ÖREBRO. Idil Jimcale 38 år. Italy and Libya which entered into force on 4 February were fatally undermined by the Strasbourg court's ruling in Hirsi Jamaa and others against Italy. Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy, no. 27765/09.

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Die Europäische Union setzt die Mittelmeer-Operation  27 Nis 2016 Hirsi Jamaa ve diğerleri/İtalya davası,. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi'nin, aşağıdaki üyelerden oluşan, Büyük Daire'si: NicolasBratza  27 Mar 2020 Hirsi Jamaa v. Italy [GC], no. 27765/09, Concurring Opinion of Judge Pinto de Albuquerque, ECtHR 2012, 12 Kant,  9 Mar 2014 Watered-Down Rights on the High Seas: Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy (2012). International and Comparative Law Quarterly/Volume 61/Issue  Hirsi Jamaa und Andere. Zur Unwahrscheinlichkeit von Menschenrechten.

Liʾu-yi āfrīqāʾī  Det avgörande som avses är Europadomstolens för mänskliga rättigheter avgörande den 23 februari 2012 i mål nr 27765/09 (Grand Chamber), Hirsi Jamaa m.fl. Idil Hirsi 24 år.

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Italien (23.2.2012, punkt 200). En automatiskt suspensiv inverkan har inte  Är den där mannens namn Jamaa? 10/23/2019 6:39 AM Nej, Det är inte Jamaa.

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They were handed over tot he Libyan authorities, as … 2020-06-22 2012-02-04 Related documents: UNHCR's oral intervention at the European Court of Human Rights - Hearing of the case Hirsi and Others v. Italy (22 June 2011); and Submission by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the Case of Hirsi and Others v. Keywords: refugees – human rights – Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy – push-back – asylum – non-refoulement – territorial jurisdiction – safe (third) country Denna uppsats utforskar flyktingens tillgång till mänskliga rättigheter när det gäller fallet med Hirsi Jamaa m.fl.

Yesterday, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights strongly and unequivocally condemned the Italian policy of intercepting migrants’ boats in the Mediterranean sea and returning their unidentified passengers to Libya (Hirsi Jamaa and others v. Italy, 23 February 2012, available here; Hirsi hereinafter).
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Frankrike (26.4.2007, punkt 67) och domen Hirsi Jamaa m.fl. v. Italien. (23.2.2012, punkt 200). En automatiskt suspensiv inverkan har inte  72 Se exempelvis Hirsi Jamaa m.

v Italy of the ECtHR from 2012 was a landmark ruling in International Human Rights, and International Refugee Law. Its finding This kind of money is equivalent to more than 10 years of income in Somalia and Eritrea (the countries of origin of Mr. Hirsi Jamaa and his companions).
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FACTS. The Applicants were part of a group of about two hundred individuals who left Libya in   The Italian ship had attempted to prevent the parties concerned from disem barking on national territory, leading to the death of fifty-eight people, including the  1.5 Case Study: Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy (ECtHR 2012).

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Italy, Application no. 27765/09, Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights, 23 February 2012, available at: https: Grand Chamber, delivered its long-anticipated judgment in the Hirsi Jamaa and Others v Italy (Hirsi) case.1 The case was filed on 26 May 2009 by 11 Somalis and 13 Eritreans who were among the first group of 231 migrants and refugees (191 men and 40 women) that left Libya heading for the Italian coast. Halted on 6 May 2009 by three ships from Februar 2012, Hirsi Jamaa u. a. gg. Italien, 27765/09, § 135) und Art. 21 Abs. 1 der Richtlinie 2011/95/EU verankert. Sie verbietet die Abschiebung einer Person, soweit sie tatsächlich Gefahr läuft, in dem Aufnahmeland einer gegen Art. 3 EMRK verstoßenden Behandlung ausgesetzt zu werden (EGMR, Urteil vom 23.