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Over half of these titles (n = 51) are UK publications. † Information professionals should consider searching BNI in addition to CINAHL for UK nursing CINAHL stands for the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature and is the largest and most in-depth nursing research database. The CINAHL Plus with Full Text database provides full text for 768 journals, and indexing for 5,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains 3,800,000 records. CINAHL subject terms, also known as subject headings, are a list of words or phrases that use controlled vocabulary to describe specific concepts. The written guidance and video below explain how to use these subject headings in CINAHL. Database name, CINAHL Complete.
Databaser on Sophiahemmet Högskola. Här finns en lista över relevanta databaser. Vissa databaser kräver inloggning, andra är fritt tillgängliga. What is CINAHL?
Searchable Cinahl. Omvårdnadsvetenskap, oral hälsa och närliggande områden. Innehåller referenser till artiklar från ca 2 800 tidskrifter, avhandlingar och en del böcker inom omvårdnad och närliggande områden från 1982 och framåt.
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Information about database. Cinahl Subjekt: Nursing and Medicine Content: Nursing, caring, allied health and medicine. Description: this Database” med en siffra inom parentes så betyder nedanstående exempel att det finns två stycken artiklar i CINAHL som har refererat till CINAHL with Full Text (EBSCO) This link opens in a new window Description of this database. This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database.
28 Jan 2021 The databases listed are not all the databases available at RCH (see CINAHL database, then you may move on to search Medline as well. 26 Dec 2019 Abstract Aim To analyse nursing research based on the CINAHL database to identify research priorities for nursing.
2020-08-15 · CINAHL Database provides indexing of the top nursing and allied health literature available including nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses Association. Literature covers a wide range of topics including nursing, biomedicine, health sciences
Cinahl Databas för tidskrifter inom omvårdnad, sjukgymnastik, arbetsterapi och närbesläktade ämnesområden.
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The purpose of this research was to determine which of three databases, CINAHL, EMBASE or MEDLINE, should be accessed when researching nursing topics. The three databases were searched for citations on topics selected by three nurse researchers and the results were compared. CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) is an index of English-language and selected other-language journal articles about nursing, allied health, biomedicine and healthcare.
After screening 58 qualitative systematic reviews identified from the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), we created a sample set of 43 reviews covering a range of topics including patient experience of both
Cinahl Complete. Här hittar du filmer som hjälper dig att göra strukturerade och systematiska sökningar i databasen Cinahl.
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Metode: Oppsummering (meta-oversikt) av systematiske oversikter. Litteratursøk: Medline, Cochrane Library, SWEMED, EMBASE and Cinahl database. för miljörelaterad ohälsa och stress CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing and medicine ECT Electroconvulsive therapy Embase Excerpta Medica Database värvetenskaplig databas.
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